[Win32 API] MSG Structure

Contain message information from a thread's message queue.


typedef struct tagMSG {
  HWND   hwnd;
  UINT   message;
  WPARAM wParam;
  LPARAM lParam;
  DWORD  time;
  POINT  pt;


  • hwnd : A handle to the window whose window procedure receives the message. This member is NULL when the message is a thread message.
  • message : The message identifier.Applications can only use the low word; the high word is reserved by system.
  • wParam : additional information about the message.The exact meaning depends on the value of the message member.
  • lParam : additional information about the message.The exact meaning depends on the value of the message member.
  • time : The time at which the message was posted.
  • pt : The cursur position,in screen coordinates, when the message was posted.


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