[Win32 API] TranslateMessage()
Translate virtual-key messages into character messages. The character messages are posted to the caling thread's message queue, to be read the next time the thread call the GetMessage or PeekMessage function.
BOOL WINAPI TranslateMessage( __in const MSG *lpMsg );
- lpMsg ; A pointer to an MSG structure that contains messgae information retrieved from the calling thread's message queue by using the GetMessage or PeekMessage function.
Return Value
- If the message is translate, the return value is nonzero(true).
- otherwise, the return value is zero(false)
- If the message is WM-KEYDOWN,WM_KEYUP,WM_SYSTEMDOWN,or WM_SYSTEMUP, the return value is nonzero, regardless of the translation.
conceptual : Message and Message Queues
example : Using Message and Message Queues.
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